Crushing ERP

This system manages all operations of an organization involve in activities of taking out heavy boulders from
mines and selling it after crushing these boulders in different forms like Dust, GSM, G1 etc.

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MARG Medic Software

This system manages all operations of an organization involve in activities of taking out heavy boulders from mines and selling it after crushing these boulders in different forms like Dust, GSM, G1 etc. The system is a package of online and an offline application. Online application is used is for administrative and monitoring purposes, where as offline application is used at remote sites where internet connection is not readily available. To avoid hampering work at remote locations, one need to continue its work on an offline application and synchronize the server when internet connection is available.

Online Application : Used to create masters that will act as backbone of the entire application. This application also serves the purpose of monitoring the activities taking place at all site offices.

Offline Application : Used to update all activities taking place at all site offices, and also, to synchronize the data to central server so that online application can get the latest data.


Key Features

  • Sales Management System
    Product Master Customer Order Transporter Order Auto Capturing of vehicle weight from weigh bridge (Weightment Slip) Delivery Challan GST Invoice Sale Reconciliation
  • Store Management System
    Item Master Purchase Order Indent Material Receipt Item Issue Item Return To Store Reusable & Scrap Item Stock Fresh Items Stock Item Life
  • Production
    Machine Master Boulder Crushing Recording Machine Logbook Machine Wise Profit & Loss Report Month Wise All Machines Profit & Loss Report
  • Employee Payroll
    Employee Master Designation Master Employee Salary Structure Employee Attendance Employee Salary Generation Salary Paybill Salary Slip
  • Plant & Machinery
    Machine Group Machine Master Daily Machine Log Book Machine Service Details Machine History Alerts on Due Service

Sale Enquiry

Don’t hesitate to ask us something, Our customer support team always ready to help you,
they will support you.

Dubai Office
  • +971 4 512 6815
Singapore Office
  • +65 9177 4849
India Office
  • +91 522 4090523, 4090504
Support Mail

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